Archivos del Autor: INISEG

Jhon Yoo, «We will return to that time when political energies will be resolved again in Congress»

Jhon Yoo, «We will return to that time when political energies will be resolved again

James Dubik, «Are we withdrawing troops because we have accomplished our mission?»

James Dubik, «Are we withdrawing troops because we have accomplished our mission?» Jim Dubik, Liutenant

Karma Feinstein-Cohen, «The Jewish people have a culture of apology that they shouldn’t have».

Karma Feinstein-Cohen, «The Jewish people have a culture of apology that they shouldn’t have». Karma

George Sorial, «It’s time for the US to focus on its own problems»

George Sorial, «It’s time for the US to focus on its own problems» Our next

Eduardo Carneiro, «Bolsonaro awakened the patriotism that was trapped in the Brazilians»

Eduardo Carneiro, «Bolsonaro awakened the patriotism that was trapped in the Brazilians» In this interview

Matt Pinksner, «99% of all people who enter the US illegally are being trafficked by the cartels»

Matt Pinksner, «99% of all people who enter the US illegally are being trafficked by

$(document).ready(function() { $('#formulario-inscripcion').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Evita el envío del formulario de la manera tradicional $.ajax({ type: $(this).attr('method'), // GET o POST url: $(this).attr('action'), // La URL a la que se envía el formulario data: $(this).serialize(), // Serializa los datos del formulario para el envío success: function(response) { // Aquí puedes manejar la respuesta del servidor alert('Inscripción satisfactoria'); // Muestra una alerta al usuario // También puedes limpiar el formulario si lo deseas $('#formulario-inscripcion').trigger('reset'); // Limpia el formulario }, error: function() { // Manejo del error alert('Hubo un error al enviar el formulario. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.'); } }); }); });