Archivos del Autor: INISEG

Michael Anton, USA a Deeply Divided Nation

Who is? About the protagonist Michael Anton is a recognized leader in the field of

Policía Científica recibe a los alumnos del Máster en Criminalística Forense de INISEG

Para conocer el trabajo de la Comisaría General de Policía Científica, un grupo de alumnos

LG Guy C. Swan, The Future of the U.S. Army

Who is? About the protagonist About our protagonist Lieutenant General Guy C. Swan III currently

Roger Cirillo, The Military Future

Who is? About our protagonist Roger Cirillo served in the US Army from 1971 to

Ely Karmon, Iran Seek to Dominate the Middle East Through Terrorims

Who is? About our protagonist Dr. Ely Karmon is a Senior Research Scholar at the

Andrew Kaplan, «Who is the player and who’s being played?»

Andrew Kaplan is the bestselling author of two great thriller series:The Scorpion series and the

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